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Thank You from the City Manager

To All City Employees,

As we together confront the operational changes being implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude for everyone’s understanding during these trying times. I know that the days ahead will lead to frustration and anxiety, both amongst those continuing to sustain emergency operations in the community, and amongst those concerned about the work that will accumulate during any absence from the workplace. Please know that I am mindful of those concerns and took them into account before making the difficult decision to suspend many City operations and close our facilities to the public. Ultimately, our obligation to protect the health and welfare of our employees and the community takes precedence over any disruption to our daily workloads.

I also ask employees to try and remember how fortunate we all are compared to many others. During this absence, all employees will continue to be paid without the need to utilize paid leave. Once this ordeal passes, all of us have the comfort of knowing our jobs will be waiting for us upon our return. Without minimizing the challenges we will all endure in the days ahead, the realities just stated are a luxury that many Americans will not have. So I ask that we all try and keep proper perspective over the next few weeks, and consider ways in which we can help take care of those less fortunate than us.

In closing, I want to reiterate how fortunate I am to have the privilege of working with all of you, and I thank you again for your support and commitment to our organization and our community. Together, we will get through this. In the meantime, it is critical that we stay in contact as this situation evolves. Beyond communications from your supervisors, please continue to check for updates using a computer or mobile device.

Please take care of yourself and your family, and be safe!

Take care



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