Safety Directives (Section 6)
Safety Directives include our comprehensive loss prevention policy and numerous directives on various safety items as well as accident and injury reporting procedures and responsibilities.
Click HERE for the City's online SDS Management System

City's loss prevention policy, detailing safety committees, etc.
Policy on reviewing accidents
General Liability
Property Damage ​
Involves 3rd Party
Witness Statement (if applicable)
Attach photos & add'l docs (i.e. memos, estimates, etc.)
Investigation & Procedures:
Notify PD & Superintendent/Director
Take Pictures
Examine the scene
Probe for details
Interview employees
Determine direct causes
Determine contributing factors
Request estimate from Fleet/Building Maintenance
Procedures for reporting accidents and injuries.
Incident/First Aid
Employee Injury (WC)
Damage under $2,500
Does NOT involve third party property or vehicle damage
Minor injuries that do not require medical attention
Employee requiring medical attention
*Please Note*
Any Questions regarding WC and COVID-19, contact HR for directions.
Attach photos & add'l docs (i.e. memos, estimates, etc.)
Investigation & Procedures:
Notify Superintendent/Director
Take Pictures
Examine the scene
Probe for details
Interview employees
Determine direct causes
Determine contributing factors
Request estimate from Fleet/Building Maintenance
Attach photos & add'l docs (i.e. memos, estimates, etc.)
Investigation & Procedures:
Notify HR & Superintendent/Director
Take Pictures
Examine the scene
Probe for details
Interview employees
Determine direct causes
Determine contributing factors
**Important** Incidents involving Fatalities or Hospitalization, the supervisor must notify the IL Deptartment of Labor/Illinois OSHA
Instructions below
Additional Safety Forms & Links:
Fatalities or Hospitalization - Incidents involving Fatalities or Hospitalization, the supervisor must notify the IL Department of Labor/Illinois OSHA
Instructions in: Dir 6-3 Sec 9.2
11/01/2024 -11/01/2025 IRMA Blanket Certificate of Coverage
11/01/2024 -11/01/2025 IRMA Blanket Certificate of Coverage - Auto
IRMA Certification of Coverage Request Form - Form used to demonstrate higher levels of coverage or if an outside entity/individual needs to be named as an additional insured or loss payee - link to Illinois Workers Compensation Commission page
Injury Incident Form (fill-in with computer) - Form used to report minor injuries when medical treatment has not been received. Sometimes called an "Aches and Pains" form.
Non-Employee Incident Form - Form used to obtain statement of 3rd party. Can be filled out by 3rd party. Signed and dated by employee who takes the form.​
Program for meeting safety goals.
Policy for dealing with hazardous fluids and wastes.
Policy for dealing with toxic substances.
Policy on employee use of Fleet Garage and form for requesting use:
Form for Use of Fleet Garage
Policy on training for first responders to hazardous materials incidents.
Lockout/tagout procedures.
Procedures to protect employees when entering, working in and exiting from confined spaces and performing trench excavation.
Procedures for implementing an electrical work practices policy
Guidelines to follow in the event an employee suffers a serious injury or death while on duty for the City.
Policy to enable employees to understand how to handle certain first aid situations.
Policy to ensure the safe and effective operation of vehicles, to establish guidelines and procedures to be followed to prevent further injuries or property damage due to accidents, and to reduce the associated costs of losses.
Policy to promote proper maintenance of the City buildings, safety and health protection on the job, and to insure all employees a place of employment free from recognized hazards that might cause serious injury within our facilities.
Policy to establish a safe and uniform policy for dispensing fuel. This policy applies to any person(s) in the area of the fuel dispensers.
Policy to set forth the framework and policies governing the installation and operation of security cameras and location monitoring devices.
Policy covering visitors to the Municipal Services Building, including City employees who work at other City buildings.
Policy to establish a formalized procedure for the use of pooled vehicles.
Policy to address the issues and evaluation of noise hazards per OSHA 1910.95.