Financial Directives (Section 3)
General Directives include directives on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, sidewalks and public improvements, special events, legal notices, Open Meetings Act, citizen grievances against employees, and business expense reimbursements.

Budgeting guidelines.
Policies and procedures for the disposal of personal property to ensure the maintenance of adequate inventory and financial controls.
To establish written rules and procedures for obtaining credit cards and paying the monthly statements so as to ensure proper use of the credit card.
Expense and Credit Card procedures
Credit Card Application
This policy is also referred to as the "Red Flag" policy. It establishes the City's policies for protecting customer, resident and employee identifying information, such as account #'s, Social Security #'s, etc., and what actions will be taken should certain "red flags" occur. Includes compliance with the State Identity Protection Act (5ILCS179).
Policy Compliance Certificate for Vendors - Form used to insure our vendors and those with access to our identifying information will comply with our policy.
To establish orderly purchasing policies and procedures to guide authorized City personnel in the procurement of construction, repair and maintenance projects, supplies and services in accordance with the requirements of state law, the City Charter, and the City Code, including Chapter 35 of the City Code relating to the Purchasing Agent (City Manager). All attachments included in the Directive except as noted below.
To establish decentralized policies and procedures to guide authorized City personnel in the process of grant approval and management in accordance with requirements of state and federal law, the City Charter, the City Code and the City purchasing policies.
To establish rules to be used for approval of payment arrangements and waivers or reductions of fees or charges.
Fee Authority approval form - Fill-in form to be used for City Manager's approval.
Establishes a formalized policy on interdepartmental charges for labor, equipment usage, and repair parts.
Establishes certain written rules and procedures to be used in handling the City's water billing and collection operations.
Establishes consistent hours type reporting by all City personnel.
Accrual Code Listing
Establishes guidelines for collecting and writing off debt.
Establishes rules for refunding parking permits.
Establishes Credit Card Data Security Standards for the City.
Attachment - Card Holder Environment (positions authorized to store, process or transmit card holder data)
Directive for iPad and Cell Phone sales
Procedures regarding handling revenues in the Police restricted funds
Directive for utilizing the City's Amazon business account
To establish certain written rules and procedures to be used in handling the Police Clergy Fund.