We will be holding Virtual City Manager Work Group Meetings again! We realize that this incredibly fluid environment we are all working in results in new questions every day. This is a time for us to update you and answer those questions to the best of our ability.
How this will work:
The City Manager, your Department Head and I will be on the panel to give you some information that we think will be of interest. You will be able to see us.
The audience will not be visible, but will be able to submit written questions through a Q&A portion of Zoom.
HR’s Amber will read the questions to us, and we will give verbal answers for all to hear.
Sessions will be recorded, and we will post a link to each recording on www.citylf.org.
There are just a few requirements on your end in order to join:
Download the Zoom app if on a mobile device (not needed if on a PC)
Connect via wifi on your phone, tablet or PC
Email ITHelp@cityoflakeforest.com with connection issues
Links to the individual sessions are below:
Rec, CROYA, Dickinson Hall
Thursday, 5/28, 8:30am - 9:30am
Panel: Jason, DeSha, Sally
ComDev, OCM, HR, Finance, IT
Thursday, 5/28, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Pannel: Jason, DeSha, Cathy, Elizabeth, Jim
Public Works, Parks, Forestry, Cemetery
Wednesday, 6/3, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Panel: Jason, DeSha, MT, Sally